This year, our company was selected by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) to participate in the 2024 regional framework of the ‘Project to Support the Overseas Development of Digital Infrastructure Ensuring Safety and Reliability’.
In September and November, we visited Ethiopia and held interviews with many libraries, museums, government officials and start-up companies. During the November visit, with the help of AbrehotLibrary, we also conducted a demonstration on book digitisation with university students and librarians using a prototype digital archiving system we had prepared.
In order to summarise these efforts and develop them into the next year's efforts, we will hold debriefing sessions in Addis Ababa on 8 February 2025 and in Saga City on 20 February 2025.
We hope that our digital archiving system will contribute to the development of Ethiopia and the building and strengthening of cooperation between the two countries in the same field through the debriefing and discussion.
We look forward to your participation.
Read more about the debriefing in Ethiopia.
日時 2025年2月20日(木) 15:00〜17:00
会場 スマート街なかラボ(佐賀市白山2丁目3−16)
内容 弊社のエチオピアでの活動を紹介し、今回プロジェクトを支援していただいた皆さんとのディスカッションを通じ、今後の同国におけるデジタルアーカイブの可能性と両国間の協力関係構築について考える会です。